Dwarf Puffer


rupp 5

In my 20 gallon high tank I am thinking about getting a dwarf puffer. My friends tell me that the puffer will eat all of my fish.

I may return my fish if this is so, but if they can live together it would be great.

I like my Rams a lot, my birthday is coming up soon and I guess I could just get another tank for my other fish.

I'm thinking of getting a 20+ gallon long for my birthday.
Oh, speaking of the fins agian, would the puffer nip thier fins to the point were they will get un-healthy and have a hard time swimming?
Get a 10 gallon, 2-3 dwarfs, some otos, and maybe a small species of pleco. Pretty much anything else put in with dwarfs will be harassed.
Okay, I can afford a 20 long and a 10 so this works out quite nice.

Thanks for your help.
LittlePuff said:
..and 3 otos. You won't need a pleco and they add alot of poo to your tank.
How many times must I say this? Otos are plcos, very very small ones sure. But still plecos.

They still poo a lot (for their size)
They need more than just algae to eat.

.. just like all the other loricids.
5 dwarfs is way too much for a 10 gallon. I wouldn't go with any more than 3.
If otos are plecos, then so are CAE's and cories.
5 is the max for a 10gal. Make sure you get no more than 2 males. Visit: Dwarf puffers.com for reliable info.

If otos are plecos, then so are CAE's and cories.

What does otos being plecos have anything to do with CAEs and cories being plecos?

Otos are a part of the Loricariidae family, a group of catfish with sucker like mouths and bony plates- in other words plecos.

Cories are a part of the Callichthyidae family and CAEs aren't even catfish, they're Cyprinids.
If you get a 10 gallon, I'd recommend against getting 5 puffers. I speak from experience. I recommend that you get 2 puffers, or 3 as a maximum. Then try and get a shoal of about 5 otos. Otos prefer to be in groups as big as five, and your DPs would have plenty of room to establish territories if there are only a few. I've crammed two dwarf puffers into a 5 gallon thinking more was better, but now I am considering moving them to a 15 gallon. Less is more, trust me, 2 DPs will provide plenty of entertainment.
Lets get back to the DPs here - but as for the ottos...if they're from the same family as plecs...

Not all plecos grow up to 12" anyway! Look at ottos! Lol!

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