dwarf puffer


New Member
Jun 5, 2004
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I have a 15 gallon tank which includes a gold ram (1 in), blue ram (1.5 in), and 4 tiger barbs (1-1.5 in). The rams stay together,the barbs chase each other but after a week i see no missing or injured fins (they don't touch the rams). I just bought a dwarf puffer and while he has left the other fish alone (much to my releif) The tiger barbs will chase him and nip his tail (althought this is seeming to slow down reasonably) wil the puffer be fine in this tank
I would be more worried about your other fish rather than the puffer. If the barbs continue to nip at the puffer, the puffer will attack back and they have very powerful jaws designed for breaking apart the hard shells of crustaceans. The puffer would do much better in a species tank with some otos or a small pleco.
i agree with diver if they contine to attack the puffer it will get angry and most likely kill everything in the tank ull end up wasting money on ur barbs and other fish but ull end up with a very happy puffer
You've almost got to feel sorry for the Barb in a way, it won't know whats hit when the puffer does turn :p

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