Dwarf Puffer?


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2010
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I recently saw some tiny dwarf puffers at my LFS and they looked amazing! I've had a look through most of the internet, and i have a 25L (6.6 US gals) mature tank which could be emptied soon.

I've never kept odd fish before, just platies, some loaches and tetras so i'm not exactly experienced, but i like these guys :p The 25L has 2 otos in it which would stay if i got a puffer - would they get eaten by a DP? I'm quite attached to them
The tank is mature and has pretty constant levels at Amm 0 Ni 0-0.1 Na 20 pH 6.5-7. It does sometimes have traces of nitrite (never over 0.1)
I don't get along with live plants so it's purely plastic planted, but i'll be getting some new silk plants soon to make it more heavily planted and interesting :)
As for feeding, I have flakes, algae wafers and frozen bloodworms. The puffer would be fed almost entirely on bloodworms, but i can get more frozen foods to vary the diet as long as the other fish like them. Snails are a bit tricky because i doubt LFS would give me any :X

Would a DP be good for the tank? I know i'd have to plant it more heavily as it's pretty bare ATM, but that'll happen anyway. I'm looking for a pretty hardy little fish too, so it'd be nice if the puffer lived more than a week. If i didn't get a puffer i'd go for a Honey gourami, but i'm a big fan of the oddballs :) Tips?
It looks like you have pretty much done your research! Reagrding the otos that is going to be down to the complexitiy of the environment and the DPs temprament. If he or she doesnt like them then one or other would have to go. It is good they are establsihed in the tank first but really it is a case of trying and see and being there to intervene if it doesnt work.

As to the foods, bloodworm, mysis shrimp and brineshrimp live or frozen are all good! You really have covered most aspects, if really attached to the otos perhaps the gourami would be a better option.
http://#131###.com/ This is a really reliable forum as everyone there is extremely experienced with these little puffers! I have one right now and just a couple things to say.
A. Make the tank interesting and try to cover the side with plants so the DP isnt constantly following its reflection.
B. Live foods are very much preferred as my DP, I found out, is actually a wild caught one...and being wild caught you want to replicate its enviorment the best you can! So live foods like live blackworms are one of their favorite foods! Also snails are always a very good choice as they always reproduce, but your puffer might also depleat your snail population quite fast! I have not been able to get my puffer to eat frozen blood worms...but you may have better luck.
C. Ottos to say the most, will coexist with these puffer. No other fish should be kept with them, but for some reason the puffers dont mind the ottos ( I have three with my puffer).
D. These puffers like all other puffers are dirty as they are messy eaters, so do more frequent water changes! Over all they are a very rewarding fish with alot of personality!

if you are going to reply, It would be appreciated if you send me a message so ill know when you comment!
dp's are not as bad as people make out sometimes i think alot of people over react i had 10 dp's in with 10 adult guppys and their 30 fry plus a golden loach and never had a problem i have also kept them with killifish and a betta.
when i introduced them i stayed tankside for 24hours(sad i no but i dont care because i love them) to make sure that there was no trouble or fatalities lol.
just go with your gut on mixing fish but please be prepared to watch them interact for a while before leaving them alone.
dp's are not as bad as people make out sometimes i think alot of people over react i had 10 dp's in with 10 adult guppys and their 30 fry plus a golden loach and never had a problem i have also kept them with killifish and a betta.
when i introduced them i stayed tankside for 24hours(sad i no but i dont care because i love them) to make sure that there was no trouble or fatalities lol.
just go with your gut on mixing fish but please be prepared to watch them interact for a while before leaving them alone.

Spike, another main factor to consider with your idea is if the DP's you get are wild caught or bred in captivity as this might alter hunting habits or other factors of their behavoir.

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