Dwarf Puffer


Fish Addict
Feb 3, 2008
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turo, devon
so my resurch tells me that 1 or 2 female puffers in a 26L tank with lots of plants and caves with a soft sand substrate would be ok

could it work and how much would they cost do you know
so my resurch tells me that 1 or 2 female puffers in a 26L tank with lots of plants and caves with a soft sand substrate would be ok

could it work and how much would they cost do you know

Depends where you get the puffers from, ive had numerous different ones in the past and i must admit none are asy to keep!

Sand is a mixed bag really, nightmare to clean as all the detritus sinks to the bottom and the sand is black and stinky when you take it out.

It is advisable to keep them on their own really, even placid fish like discus etc can attack and kill them easily.

My local dealer charges around £4.50 a fish but may be cheaper elsewhere.

They are one of my favourite fish, and unfortunatley at the moment dont have room for a puffer tank but would love one :)
:devil:please may you show a pic of it im quite interested in puffers
so my resurch tells me that 1 or 2 female puffers in a 26L tank with lots of plants and caves with a soft sand substrate would be ok

could it work and how much would they cost do you know

Depends where you get the puffers from, ive had numerous different ones in the past and i must admit none are asy to keep!

Sand is a mixed bag really, nightmare to clean as all the detritus sinks to the bottom and the sand is black and stinky when you take it out. Its vital for dwarf puffers as the gravel would rip there skin

It is advisable to keep them on their own really, even placid fish like discus etc can attack and kill them easily. The dwarf puffer would probably kill the discus not the other way round

My local dealer charges around £4.50 a fish but may be cheaper elsewhere.

They are one of my favourite fish, and unfortunatley at the moment dont have room for a puffer tank but would love one :)

:devil:please may you show a pic of it im quite interested in puffers

just google it or go to the fish species index on here
some adviced me on 1 for my 6 gal, they require well planted tanks, plenty of caves and hidy holes to set up territory, although i was told 5 gal each
5 gal per fish...but people (like myself) stretch that. i got one today for 6 us dollars. pretty darn cheap!! you need live bloodworms to feed them because they WONT take anything thats not alive.
I've had mine in a 5gal fully planted tank for about a month now i think. He's doing great (could be she really haven't looked into it) Lots of hiding places and plants is key. From what i have read and from what I've seen with mine is they love to discovers things. From my experience dwarf puffers are the curious George of the aquarium. Feeding or cleaning or water change he's always checking out what i am doing.

I have sand substrate and to tell you the truth he hasn't had anything to do with it. He's too busy weaving his way through the plants.

I have also heard that 5gal be the min size for a single dwarf puffer.

As for tank mates i had one amano shrimp, and that's not recommended either. luckily my shrimp is three times larger than him, so for now aggression has been completely absent.

I feed mine frozen bloodworms so the above is not completely true but common yes. I thaw my blood works in a small container of tank water and pick a couple up and slowly drop them into the tank one at a time. He will grab them before the fall and in the case that there is some still in my fingers he will pick them out of there also. The trick i think is to fool them that they are not dead.

They are a cool fish to keep and i think you will enjoy them if you decide to keep them.

Here is a pic of mine checking of one of the snails in the tank.


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