Dwarf Puffer


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi guys I have been moving all my tanks around and now have a spare 20gal tank sitting around fully set up and waiting for occupents. I was in the Maidenhead Aquatics yesterday and they have Pigmy/Dwarf Puffers. I had been thinking of a puffer for my 27 gal but now I'm thinking these guys would be great for this tank. My main concern is that it says that you shouldn't exceed 1 per 5 gallons under any circumstances. I am a bit worried this tank may look empty with 4 x 1" fish in, especially as I am planning on plenty of hiding spaces. I am planning on a bit of Ocean rock and plant it aswell but are there any other fish I can put in with these 4 at all? Any suggestions for what I can do with these would be very welcome. Thx.

The tank is 30"x12"x12"
I have Oto's with in with my DP. You can have one per 5 gallons. If the tank has alot of hiding places you may get away with two in a 20 gallon tank possibly more.

Just have to remember that DPs are extremely teratorial.

Some people have also had luck keeping shrimps with DPs but sometimes they become mearly snacks.

Got my DP yesterday and its great!
Thx for the reply, I am presuming that 4 wouldn't work in there then? I was going to buy 1 male and 3 female and plant it quite heavily with little territories made out of the rock. I will buy 3 Ottos aswell and put them in with plenty of other tanks I can move them to if it doesn't seem to be working.
I was told i could keep three in my ten gallon and that worked out fine so Idon't see why 4 in a 20g should be a problem. Especially if there's lots of cover plants etc. And also if you get the ratio m:f rite as well.
I was told i could keep three in my ten gallon and that worked out fine so Idon't see why 4 in a 20g should be a problem. Especially if there's lots of cover plants etc. And also if you get the ratio m:f rite as well.

Should really have 5 Gallons per DP and when you add plants, rocks, driftwood you are also taking up space. So the more heavily planted you make it (DPs do live heavily planted tanks) then the more space your taking out for free swimming space.

3 DP in 10 gallons heavily planted in my view is a bit dangerous due to the amount of space recommened per DP. Also factor in waste produced by the DPs as DPs are intollarant to ammonia and nitrite and are extremely messy fish.

A good resource for DP information is:

www. dwarf puffer . com

Why they filter weblinks on this site is beyond me....some sites have great information for fish hobbiest's. :angry:
you could look at different kinds of puffers, SAP's could live in groups, you could get 2 (I think) in there, they are larger as well, around 3 inches, and you'll see them more, also, a pair of red eyed red tail puffers would also go in there
You could easily keep 4 DP's in a 20g. I've done it in the past.
Read fellas pinned topic! 4 dwarfs would be fine, mabye 5 if you've got plenty of hiding spots... do more research before though
if you keep dwarf puffers in a heavily planted tank they will be more stimulated mentaly and it will help stop aggression by lowering boredom, you will probably have seen puffers swimming up and down the glass, this is again due to them being bored with their home, as puffers are intelligent fish.

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