Hi guys I have been moving all my tanks around and now have a spare 20gal tank sitting around fully set up and waiting for occupents. I was in the Maidenhead Aquatics yesterday and they have Pigmy/Dwarf Puffers. I had been thinking of a puffer for my 27 gal but now I'm thinking these guys would be great for this tank. My main concern is that it says that you shouldn't exceed 1 per 5 gallons under any circumstances. I am a bit worried this tank may look empty with 4 x 1" fish in, especially as I am planning on plenty of hiding spaces. I am planning on a bit of Ocean rock and plant it aswell but are there any other fish I can put in with these 4 at all? Any suggestions for what I can do with these would be very welcome. Thx.
The tank is 30"x12"x12"
The tank is 30"x12"x12"