Dwarf Puffer


Mar 19, 2006
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Canada, Ontario
i have been researching alot and have decided that i would like to buy a few dwarf puffers for my 15 gallon

it would consist of 1 male and 2-3 females, and 5-8 oto's and it would be heavily planted with more hiding spaces than puffers

BUT, i have a question

i have read that you have to feed them snails to control their teeth growth

how do you feed them snails? snails with the shell? without the shell? do you feed them like apple snails? or like snails that you find on the ground after a rainy day? and where could i purchase some of these snails?

thank you for all and any replies :)
Aquatic snails should be used, such as common pond snails. Pond snails and many other snails can be purchased at just about anywhere there is fish being sold, many LFS's will even give them away. Apple snails and other large snails would be virtually impossible for a dwarf puffer as they grow larger than themselves. Snails must be no larger than the puffer's eye or it will be too large for it to handle.
Yep, just throw them in. Puffers such as DP's are hunters and they will soon find them.
Use aquatic snails, leave the shells on, and drop them in with the lights on if you want them to be eaten straight away.

With regards to "grinding their teeth down", Dwarf puffers are considerably less affected than other puffers in my experience.

Be sure to take a look at the pinned topic at the top of the forum, and enjoy your DPs!
Trust me, DPs will attack a snail irrespective of it's size. Tiny ones they just crunch them whole. Large ones, they bite chunks out of their antennas and foot :lol:

Baby pond snails or baby ramshorn snails are quite easy to breed for a continuous supply.

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