Dwarf Puffer

Mako Man111

Jun 11, 2006
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Ok, I've got a spare 5 gallon tank lieing around and would like to use it to house a singe dwarf puffer. I've got a few quick questions first:

First, this fish is a freshwater fish right? I've heard it can tolerate a litte salinity but I will be keeping it in soley freshwater so I should have no problems?

Second, what does it eat? Will it eat regular flakes, krill, or bloodworms?
They are pure FW so you should have no problems.

They probably won't take flake or pellets. Try a diet of frozen foods, like bloodworm, brineshrimp etc. With live snails aswel included. Maybe frozen prawn aswel.
They will not eat flakes. They are carnivores and need meaty items such as worms and snails (fresh, frozen or freeze-dried). Do not use brine shrimp except as an occasional treat at most, as brine shrimp have almost no nutritional value and are basically like candy - empty calories. If you use freeze-dried, soak in water to rehydrate first, preferably in vitamin water.
I always feed live bloodworms and blackworms. Small ghost shrimps, spirulina enriched brine shrimp and raise your own snails. they usually will eat basically anything that is available as a frozen fish food! I find that they do particularly well on frozen squid and a mussel clam mix that I bought that was originally intended for triggerfish and saltwater puffers!


Get some live plants if you can! and some rocks that you can stack into a pattern with places for the fish to explore! The snails will hide out in ther and the puffer will have a blast hunting them out, that would be a great thing to watch!

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