Dwarf Puffer

Newfish Gal

New Member
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Edmonton, alberta Canada
Hi its me again, New question My friend just gave me a Dwarf puffer..Cutie that he is my friend said I can not put him into my 55 gallon fish because he will create havoc amoung the other fish...right now hes in my 20 gallon along with a blue zebra african chichild but I really want to put him in the bigger tank..can I The residents of the 55 gallon tank are:7 neons
3 zebra danieos
2 Rainbow sharks
1 red tail shark
4 Cory catfish
4 zebra tetras
3 rummy nose tetra
4 blood fin tetras
1 Butterfly loach
I think I'm inclined to agree with your friend, the dwarfs are definately fairly aggressive. The corys wil almost certainly get picked on as will any fish which either moves erratically or is even slightly aggressive.
There is some good information on these in the oddballs section its one of the pinned topics called Puffer Species. You can get another puffer but make sure they've got a few caves or hidey holes to go into and that they can't see each other once in them (plants etc to obscure the view).

Don't know much about individual Cichlids, how aggressive and big is the blue zebra african cichild? Worried they may start taking chunks out of each other :p
Right now he' smaller than the puffer but eventually he will three times larger they are about as aggressive as the puffr but slower swimmers, I have caves and plants for them to hide in but it shouln't be a problem -_-
Hi Newfish Gal

Keep a close eye on your Dwarf puffer until you can get him or the Cichlid moved out. If the puffer trys to "invade" the Cichlids territory and the Cichlid takes a run at him there will be trouble. Puffers will hold grudges and you may find your cichlid pretty chewed up some morning (especially if you get him a friend). You may want to look at getting a larger tank for the Blue Zebra, as I believe he will outgrow a 20 gal in no time. :D
As Lithril says the Dwarf is not a good candidate for youre 55 gal, although they are extremely cute and small, they can also be aggressive and mischevious and love to ride other fishes tails through the tank until they get ripped off. :crazy:
Thanks for the great advice..yesterday I purchased a 29 gallon tank to move my zebra into...right now the now three puffers(slightly addivtive fishes) are too busy with each other so once the new tank finishes cycling I moving the blue guy....thanks again for the advice :blink:

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