Dwarf Puffer Wont Eat


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2005
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I just got a Dwarf Puffer this mourning. I have live black worms which I dropped a few in. He went flying away from them as they sank to the bottom.. He'll go to the bottom and look at em like he wants to eat them but once they twitch he goes scared to a corner.. :lol:
Any ideas on what to do? ...
...maybe the black worms are too big for him? (i.e. larger than what the fish shop was feeding)... may be a bit stressed as well from the recent move... give him a couple of days... (puffers love bloodworms)...
every time i got a new dp they wouldnt eat for a week. try dropping in a few baby snails everyday. once they have been in thier new home for a while try brine shrimp. once they readily accept these move on to bloodworms.
Ah, the guy still won't eat, infront of me atleast. I have his tank up on a bookshelf and I bent down for a few minutes to hide.. When I jumped up I spotted him eating a black worm. ^_^ He then started to pretend like he didn't eat at all. :blink:

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