Dwarf Puffer teeth problems


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
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A couple of days ago I noticed that one of my dwarf puffers looked like she was wearing lipstick and her face was really swollen, now three days later it lookes like the top part of her mouth has a hole in it or a chip in the tooth, and the skin seems to be reseeding. The face is still really swollen. I think she went after this big snail I had in the tank for the green spotted puffer. I took the snail out but I cant think of anything else that could have caused this. The puffer cant eat, is this something treatable, is it an infection? Any info would help

Thank you
GSP + anything else dont mix it might be from bullying puffers are very very very aggressive when they are adults how old is the gsp is it still juvinial
Alright, I need to lay down the smack before anyone else does with flames. Firstly, the Green Spotted Puffer needs a brackish tank when young, which means that he needs a salt level of about 1.005-1.008. Secondly, that GSP will get up to 6 inches, and will need a tank of about 30 gallons minimum. Thirdly, he will live in freshwater but will won't be as healthy as he would with brackish water. Also, the dwarf and GSP cannot go together, the agression levels between the two fish are enormous and it will only get worse. I'd recommend getting the dwarf(s) into their own tank and get the GSP a big tank, you don't want to do what I did and buy a small tank, then a medium tank, and then a large tank...
i have a 30 gallon for the dwarfs but im in the process of moving. The dwarfs wont be living with the gsp for very long. The gsp is about twice the size of my dwarf puffers. I dont know how old it is. i just never saw any fighting between them even when i feed them(they eat different things so there isnt a need for competition). Im going to go and buy another tank today for the gsp. But will the dwarfs injuries heal, can they grow back their scales/skin?
add some aquarium salt to the dwarf tank it will help their skin grow
You'll need to isolate the injured fish if you can. Put them into a seperate tank - the good thing with dwarf puffers is that they don't need large tank so you can get away with about 3 gal per fish. If you can hold of it add some melafix to the tank, this should aid the healing process.

As was said earlier, you want to seperate the dwarves and the GSP anyway, dwarves are strictly freshwater and GSP are brackish.

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