Dwarf puffer teeth cutting


Boss Major
Dec 1, 2003
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San Francisco/San Jose, CA
i know its been talked about here, but i dont have any clove oil and i dont even know how anybody cuts its teeth when their teeth are smaller than a millimeter, can anybody explain to me in detail on how to do this?
they dont really need to be cut if you give them snails or shrimp or any hardish food. also if you are planning on cutting them they will need to grow out for a year or more first. They may even go a life time eating soft food at all times and never need a clippin they are more of a food sucker by nature. they do not crush the snails they just pull out the snail body.

do a search. pufferpack and lithril have a thread on this somewhere in the older oddball threads, with links. to prevent this in the future, please give them snails regularly. or you try just pm-ing pufferpack for more details, hes kind of the resident puffer expert around here.
you WILL have to get some clove oil.

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