Dwarf Puffer Tank

Mne have amazon swords and vallis in with them, but in the future they'll have some java moss as well. I think order of the day here are just tall plants that can break up the line of sight.
i used to have java moss with a figure 8, and he would pick to hell out of it. SInce dwarf puffers are more aggressive and nippy I wouldnt have any type of moss in the tank. And what type of lighting will you use over a 6 gallon tank? co2?
Hardy plants are the way to go. Java moss for the floor and Java ferns tied to porus rocks are always good. Try a few short leafed Amazon Swords. All these plans are commonly found and should be hardy. This is a vry similar planting that I have in my DP tank, only sans Java Moss and plus algae...

Algae counts, right? ;)

*edit* Just spotted the plant-picking post: My dwarf has hardly picked at any of the plants in the tank. Hes stripped them bare of snails and I think hes given up looking in the plants for them. The snails I feed I just drop in the tank and since he is used to being hand fed he usually has a go at my fingernails while IM trying to get the snails to drop off... irritating.

That said, my Figure 8 doesnt pick at the Java fern in his tank at all, so I guess it just depends on the fish really.

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