dwarf puffer tank


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
what kind of environment could i set up on a 10g that would be good for a dwarf puffer only tank?

how many dwarf puffers can i fit in a 10 safely?

is there any other kind of fish that i can puut in ther puffer tank that would not be severly injured or killed?
I think the general consensus is 1 DP per 5 gallons. So I suppose that would be 2 for your 10. I would try putting this in the oddball forum as DP's are not brackish but freshwater puffers. Also as far as set-up goes they need a sand subtrate.
GuppyDude said:
what kind of environment could i set up on a 10g that would be good for a dwarf puffer only tank?

how many dwarf puffers can i fit in a 10 safely?

is there any other kind of fish that i can puut in ther puffer tank that would not be severly injured or killed?
  1. Freshwater, sand, filter, heater, plants, caves
  2. One or two
  3. MAYBE a trio of otocinclus catfish.
I've kept threee dwarf puffers in a ten gallon since april without incident *knock on wood* but I wouldn't recommend it.
A 10g with several terra cotta pots, a lot of plants, and possible some other decorations would be best for 2 DPs, Java fern is a pretty good plant :)
Just wondering, for DPs.. whats the difrence for them is its sand or gravel.. even if the gravel is alot smaller or smooth stones?
DP like to burrow down into the sand to sleep, especially when young. this is a habit common to most puffers; some of the ambush species like the congos will spend almost 100% buried up to their eyeballs in sand!

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