Dwarf Puffer Tank setup


Jun 18, 2004
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Do you think it would be ok if I could take my 5gallon and convert it into a freshwater dwarf puffer tank, suitable for 2 puffers?? or is this too small.. I was planning on having lots of hiding places and a sufficient amount of fake plants as well.
Too small for two. I'be been told 15 gallons for one, but mine has been ok in its five for a few months. :dunno:
OK, I can see that they are very territorial.. but if I have about 6 different hiding places and plants and rocks and caves and such, could it work?
DWARF Puffers do not need 15 gallons/fish..... Its more like 2-3 gallons per fish, yes theyre Puffers and they need space, but theyre 1 inch long max.

This is a good site to get you on your way:
Three "w" DOT dwarfpuffers DOT com
2 dwarf puffers would be fine in a 5 gallon, although you might be pushing it as to the amount of space each one has for territory. Make sure there are lots of rocks and plants and that they are well fed and you shouldn't have any problems.

tempestuousfury, they might have been talking about South American puffers.
yea, I have the perfect setup for Dwarfs, and I just found some great rocks and pots to go with it. Thanks.

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