Dwarf Puffer Setup.

Loony Fish

May 12, 2008
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ok, i've had my eye on dwarf puffers for a long time. i really like them. i have a cycled 2.8 gallon tank (with proper conditions).
no other fish are in it. could i get 1?
shouldn't be a problem, I have two in a 5.5 Gallon (U.S.) and they seem to be doing well. Of course, I do have a lot of floating cover and places to hide.
One DP should be ok. Make sure you have an oversized filter (these chaps are messy little things) and lots ofstuff for the DP to explore...plants, caves, wood etc...to keep him happy.

It will thank you for feeding it live bloodworm and brine shrimps etc and you'll need to do 50% weekly water changes in your tank. He won't mind what substrate you have in there (I have sand now which is easy to keep clean) as long as his water is spot on all the time :D

They're brilliant fish to keep and you'll find yourself wanting to get a bigger tank and add more to your collection PDQ :lol:
You could look in to the possibility of getting some otocinclus in your tank before you put your DP in, and you could try an amano shrimp too. Some DPs will happily co-exist with otos and amano shrimp.
thanks for the replies, i'll try the otocincus but really dont like shrimp.
i saw 2 at the my LFS but they were really tiny (shy of 1 cm). would they be ok or do they need to be bigger?
i saw 2 at the my LFS but they were really tiny (shy of 1 cm). would they be ok or do they need to be bigger?
The tank would need to be bigger, not the fish. The tank you have would be suitable for just one at the very most. Personally I wouldn't be happy putting one in anything smaller than a 20L (5 US Gal) tank :unsure:

Just my thoughts, knowing what mine are like.

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