Dwarf Puffer set-up?


New Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Hey all,
I havn't posted on here as much as i'd like to but oh well....anyways
I was given a tank i intended on setting up as marine, its 24" Wide x 12" High x 8" Deep. Approx 10 gals (imperial gallons not US)
That ok for one Dwarf Puffer? I only really want to have one and then maybe a panda corydoras. Remarks?
As for filtration it has adequete undergravel filtration for the tank (it was designed by a marine biologist at my local university) but i was considering hooking up a Fluval 104 External, Too much flow? I can reduce the flow on it. Theres no room for an internal inside (long story).

Many Thanks

10 gal is more than enough for a single Dwarf :thumbs: , but be careful with tankmates as they can be quite nippy :X . The Dwarfs would probably enjoy a good current in the tank, mine play in the flow quite often, but I'm not familure with the flow rate of the Fluval 104 External, so I'm not sure if it would be too much or not.
Its something like 100gph i think, but it does have an inline tap so i can reduce it if necessary. Can you guys post pikes of your dwarf puffer tanks, need some inspiration.
Any other comments?

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