Dwarf puffer questions


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2019
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Hi all! I've been working on a journal following the development of my two nano tanks, and I'm getting ready to stock them. I'd really like to get a solo dwarf puffer (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) for my 7 gallon. For anyone who's kept these guys, could you help me out with a few questions?

1. I've read the Seriously Fish profile and other sources, but just to be sure: would one dwarf puffer do well in these parameters?
- 7 gallon, 30 x 30 x 30 cm
- Temp: 78 F
- pH: 7.4
- KH: 3 dkh
- GH: 9 dkh
- Ammonia: 0
- Nitrites: 0
- Nitrates: 5-10

2. How common are captive bred puffers? Ideally I'd like to avoid wild caught fish for sustainability reasons, but I'm not sure if this is realistic.

3. I know these guys are curious—are they prone to getting stuck in places they shouldn't and injuring themselves? In other words, I'm wondering if they need a “baby-proofed” tank like bettas generally do. There are some roots, rocks, crevices, etc. (see pic below).

thanks so much!!

well, I would say that he or she will do fantastic in that aquarium.
at least here in my country, they are really rare overall but all the ones I have seen (like 4 in total) were captive breed fish.
if you have space where they could get stuck or under a rock/wood then seal that space with some cyanoacrylate glue, (it becomes inert and nontoxic the second it comes in contact with water) you might use a plant to cover the gap better or use filter floss as filler and then put the cyanoacrylate glue on
Thank you, that's a great idea - I have cyanoacrylate glue and will pick up some extra filter floss!
I occasionally see puffers at local fish stores in my area, so I guess I should call around and see if they're captive bred :)
That is a gorgeous looking tank! You PP is going to be quite happy in the new home. :)

They are curious, but I have not experience any of mine getting stuck. One little boy puffer does these amazing barrel rolls to get himself out of the Hornwort jungle, it is quite fun to watch. I have one in a tank with your parameters and he is doing great. Used to be Miss Ethel's tank for almost 10 months. Now it is home to a little boy PP named E-schi.

Enjoy the little PP, they are so much fun!:fun:
One little boy puffer does these amazing barrel rolls to get himself out of the Hornwort jungle, it is quite fun to watch. I have one in a tank with your parameters and he is doing great. Used to be Miss Ethel's tank for almost 10 months. Now it is home to a little boy PP named E-schi.

Enjoy the little PP, they are so much fun!:fun:

That is so cute, what a silly guy! I've heard that they have big personalities and couldn't be more excited😊

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