Dwarf Puffer Questions


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
Maryland, U.S.A.
I'm new to the whole pufferfish thing. I'm setting up a 5 gallon for dwarf puffers so I have some questions. Do dwarf puffers like a little aquarium salt in their water? Do they really sleep? What is the best attractive DIY cave(can I use a coconut cave?)? Would 1, 2, or 3 puffers be best for a 5 gallon? I'm guessing 3 is too much. And with 2...I'm just worried they will be aggressive toward each other. But my dad will kill me if I spent all that money for a little 1 inch fish. What is the best attractive DIY cave? I'm a little nervous about this whole thing because puffers seem so complicated. So I want your guys' advice. Thanks!!!
Dwarfs like hiding places, so I would get a rock with deep tunnels in them, with plants, fake or real to go along with the tank. I'd get 2, the rule is usually 2 gallons per fish... Dwarf puffers are also freshwater, so you don't need salt.

Although I don't have a puffer currently I've done alot of research on them (will be getting one when the shipment comes in within a month or two) it's one puffer per five gallons of fish. If you had a 10 gal then you might be able to get away with three but there might be some serious problems when it comes to territory.
Can you feed dwarf puffers freeze dried foods? I know they won't accept flake foods but if I have any at uni I will need to use an automatic feeder while I'm on holidays. I know freeze dried food has less nutritional value than frozen/live food but if it's just for a few weeks that doesn't really matter as much as if you're feeding them this constantly.
i kept two happily in a 5 gallon tank. they also shared that tank with two fw bumbleebee gobies. dwarf puffers are fw and therefore do not need any salt. i wouldn't go with more than two, as that doesn't leave much room for territory. a good rule of thumb is 2 to 3 gallons per dwarf puffers, to allow for territorial behaviors........

as for diy caves, i didn't like the look of the coconuts, though i know people who have used them.. i personally picked up a couple of cheap shot glasses and attached aquarium gravel to them with aquarium sealant so they just blend into the floor of the tank. you'll want lots of plants, fake or real doesn't matter to the puffers. yes, they do sleep. and they will quite often turn very pale when they do this. turn on the light, they'll start to move about and get their color back.

dont forget to get snails, the little nuisance kind, not the big apple ones.

as for the food question, most WONT take flakes, and most WON'T take freeze dried foods, but you could try it and see. mine will only eat food thats moving. if it not moving, they ignore it. i get around this by feeding frozen foods, thawed of course, and dump them over an air stone so they "move", allowing my little guys to stalk and "kill" the bloodworms and brineshrimp. you'll have to see how your puffers like to eat..................
Well, I guess if the dried food fails I could always bring them home with me for Christmas. Uni isn't that far away anyway :D

BTW how often do you feed them and how much?
I feed mine freeze dried food, I put a little bit in front of the current and the puffers have never refused it. I feed them once a day, a little bit at a time until a can see their stomachs start to fatten up (they will still beg for food at this point but will probably spit out anything they try to eat, then beg for more)

Do dwarf puffers like a little aquarium salt in their water?
No, I think adding salt does more harm than good to them.
Do they really sleep?
Yes, you can often find them curled up in the same spot each night, plants with cup shaped leaves are really popular with mine. Their eyes will be open when they sleep so don't freak out thinking there is something wrong with them.
What is the best attractive DIY cave
Pile some rocks together which will form a cave with multiple entrances so they can swim through it if they want.

If you don't want to risk having more than 1 fighting in a 5 gallon (although it shouldn't be a problem if you put in caves and plants) then you could add some otos.
Pullin' the same deal as you, and this thread's helped me out a lot. I was only going to try one dwarf, but maybe I'll go with two, and a lot of plant cover. For those of you who've got/are going to get dwarves for a 5 galloner, what kind of filtration did you use? Undergravel, or exterior? Thanks!
i used an aqua clear mini hang on back filter. you can somewhat control the current on them.

to add to what diver said on sleeping, my one i always find tucked in between two leaves of the plastic amazon sword..........silly little guy........... :lol:

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