Dwarf Puffer Question


New Member
Dec 28, 2012
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Hey all!

Have been setting up my first tank, fully cycled and all. :D I have always wanted to get a Dwarf Puffer and was having a chat with a guy in my LFS and told him I was planning to get 3 (1 Male and 2 Females) which, from what I've read on the Internet, is the best ratio. But he told me that I should get 4 DP's as it is definate that one of the puffers would be picked on and eventually die, leaving me with the 3 I wanted. I don't suppose there's anyway to avoid this initial death? It just seems so harsh that one has to die. And even if one does have to die, how do you ensure you end up with the Male/Female of 1:2?

Thanks! :)
Make sure you have dense plants, the less they see each other the better their chances.

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