Dwarf Puffer Question


Fish Crazy
Nov 29, 2009
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i'm planning on taking all of my current fish back to my lfs and keep dwarf puffers instead, my tank is a 65ltr and was planning on keeping 4 in there, the only fish out of my current stock that i would be sad to see go would be my bristlenose so i was wondering if it would be possible to leave him in there with the puffers.
also are dwarf puffers seasonal my lfs says they are hard to find this time of year.
i'm planning on taking all of my current fish back to my lfs and keep dwarf puffers instead, my tank is a 65ltr and was planning on keeping 4 in there, the only fish out of my current stock that i would be sad to see go would be my bristlenose so i was wondering if it would be possible to leave him in there with the puffers.
also are dwarf puffers seasonal my lfs says they are hard to find this time of year.
I dont think you can go with any tankmates with DP's except for oto's sometimes.
They are not seasonal fish they live for i think 3-5 years.
i personally would risk it. I dont have dwarfs but i have saps and irrebescos with bristlenoses and they are fine, i think the bn would be too big for them to bother. other people might think different though.
i think i will give it a go i really don't want to get rid of the bn unless i have to.
Imo your bristle will be a sitting duck as the DPs will eventually try tasting him to see if he's edible. I wouldn't like to risk it having seen a cory that was completely lacking in any form of fins after being in a DP tank.

I've only ever had otos in with my DPs. they are small and fast enough to get out of the DPs way, whereas a bristle isn't able to hide or swim as fast.

Good luck if you decide to try it, you may need it. I would check temperature requirements as they may not be compatible.

There's a saying in puffer circles - never trust a puffer - and for good reason.
My OH calls all my puffers the velociraptors of the fish world.
thanks, i've changed my mind about keeping the bn in there i don't think i want to risk it i think i'll just rehome him instead, i hope these dwarf puffers are worth it, i'm having to get rid of all of my fish to get them, but everytime i'm in my lfs i'm always drawn to the tank with the dwarf puffers in :lol:
In the past i have kept Bumblebee Gobies with them without casualties.

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