Dwarf Puffer problem...


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hey all,

I noticed today while feeding my DP that she's got what appears to be a clouy right eye. It's not 'popping' so I don't think it's popeye, but I'm not sure.

It's only the right eye, and it looks like the membrane covering the eye has clouded over...it could just be that MY eyes have the problem, but I think it's more than likely hers.

Na - 6.0
Ni - 0.0
Am - 0.0
pH - 7.0

Almost perfect parameters. I'm not sure what it is. Is there some sort of puffer disease where something like this happens? Has anyone ever experienced something similar? If so, what did you do about it?

Thanks a lot,
I'm not sure what it could be off the top of my head, but many puffers do have a glazed/cloudy look to the eyes.

It's possible she has some sand in her eye, but I guess it could be an infection.
I don't think it's just a natural 'glaze', because it's just now shown up, and it's only the one eye that has got that look to it.

I've got gravel as a substrate, so it can't be sand in the eye.

If it's an infection, what medication would you suggest? How well do puffers receive medication? I don't even know if it's actually a problem, but it's better to have done and not needed than to have needed and not done.

Thanks again for the help,
I'd probably suggest some Melafix as a general tonic in that case.

Can you tell if she is using the eye? Is it moving like it should be?
my mbu puffer had a cloudy look in his left eye when I first got him, a course of melafix cleared it up... no idea what it was but the puffer didnt seem bothered and the melafix sorted it out :)

edit: oh and i used a full dose rather than half dosing

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