Fish Addict
ok guys so i made a poor choice yesterday of buying another DP. i already had Henry but couldnt help but purchase another one! Henry is in a 5 gallon bowfront aquarium with gravel substrate and its very very very heavily planted. there are 5 cherry shrimp and a pair of otos. i just added the other puffer because i figured it was smaller and was even pry less dominate than the shrimp and otos. so far he/she looks ok, a little bit timid though...and it usualy stays outa sight or on the other half of the aquarium. i dont imagine that dps would pair up and happily swim together because they look alike, and am aware that they need a lot of cover to break up eachothers sight.
i bought henry about 6 months ago and he came from the same tank as this one. Im unsure Henry is a boy because hes not that mature yet. only at about 5/8's of an inch. hes really colorful compared to the new one.
was this a bad decision? I have another planted 5 gallon next to this but its the home to the micro fish Trichopsis pumila, and would have nowhere to put them.
SOOOO the only other place i would put the new dp is in a 20 gallon planted. I DO have a cycled 36 gallon that is empty. i could swap some fish to maybe make the 20 gallon ok for dps? my real question though is will any of these fish be a bother to the dp? or the dp to them?
20 gal has 1 female betta, 3 white clouds, 3 amano shrimp, 1 bulldog plec, 1 clown plec, couple corys and plenty of pest snails. i also have 4 large snails that i would take out.
idk what to do guys lol just let me know. the little puffer was only $4 usd.
i bought henry about 6 months ago and he came from the same tank as this one. Im unsure Henry is a boy because hes not that mature yet. only at about 5/8's of an inch. hes really colorful compared to the new one.
was this a bad decision? I have another planted 5 gallon next to this but its the home to the micro fish Trichopsis pumila, and would have nowhere to put them.
SOOOO the only other place i would put the new dp is in a 20 gallon planted. I DO have a cycled 36 gallon that is empty. i could swap some fish to maybe make the 20 gallon ok for dps? my real question though is will any of these fish be a bother to the dp? or the dp to them?
20 gal has 1 female betta, 3 white clouds, 3 amano shrimp, 1 bulldog plec, 1 clown plec, couple corys and plenty of pest snails. i also have 4 large snails that i would take out.
idk what to do guys lol just let me know. the little puffer was only $4 usd.