Dwarf Puffer Housemates


Mar 25, 2004
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Rochester, NY - USA
I've got a few dwarf puffers currently inhabiting a tank with some black kuhli loaches and a small yellow algae eater. I've had no problems thus far, but I'm thinking about connection this tank with another of my tanks using some tubeing. In my other tank I have feeder guppies, platties, etc... My primary concern would be my vampire shrimp. I'm not sure if these guys would go to town on him. I've heard that some have had puffers eat ghost shrimp, but this vampire shrimp is about 30x the size of a ghost shrimp, and heavily armoured, spare his filter aparatus. I'm assuming that if I do it it's going to be a risk, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience with something like this.

Please advise!

Thanks in advance :thumbs:
I'd be worried about all the fish in there, the puffers will rip their fins apart.
i think its if they dont have big fins or they arent wiggly they wont attack but u may be wrong.. if their already in there and are attacking get ready to take em back

oh and wut do you mean connect them with a tube?? if you are wont you have to cut through the glass/accrilic? if you put it above the glass the water wont be in the tube. if its under they might get stuck

and i think 5 is a lil much for a 10 gallon (puffers) id take like 3 of em back and switch em with ur stuff in ur 5.5 gallon. trust me. ur rasboras will be happier in a bigger tank and you wont have to worry about them attacking the other fish
Thanks for the input. I'd connect the tubes in the manner found in this thread:10G Tank

As for my puffers being crowded, I have plenty of plants to break up the line of sight, and rocks that have holes in them that they swim through and whatnot. They sleep in the fake plants and seem very healthy and happy. I might have some problems when they get bigger, but right now they've staked out their territories and seem to be quite happy how they are. Remember, these are only dwarf puffers. They're full grown at 3/4" to 1".
dwarf puffers stay small, I wont be to worried, they should be fine.

I have seen the tube, looks like fun, but I would not connect the guppy tank and the puffer tank, maybe it would be nice to connect the small 2.5g snail tank, see the puffer go over to feed and come back?
:lol: I think if the puffers went over to feed they wouldn't come back until there were no snails left :lol: I agree though wouldn't connect to the guppy tank this is gonna end in tears...
Well, as for the guppies, they're feeder guppies that I originally bought for the puffers. They're too quick, however, and the puffers can't seem to catch them, so I feed them to my buenos aires as treats now instead.

As for the tube to the snail tank, I agree that if the puffers ever ventured over they'd never come back until I had no snails left :p The problem is that I don't think they'd ever go over there. They're the only fish in the tank who won't go in the tubes! They're scared or somethin'. I have snails living in the tubes now because the puffers won't go after them in there :blink:

Thanks guys!

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