Dwarf puffer, freshwater?

Dwarf Puffers. They are 100% freshwater (they won't live in brackish water even). They're also really cute and can be kept in small tanks :) I have them in a 10-gallon :D
I kept an amazon puffer for a couple of years. I'v found with this species, if not fed at least twice a day it will become thin and get white spot. this is due to it constantly swimming up and down the tank. I wouldn't advise this but i kept mine with my 24" redtail cat. (puffer1.5") and they never bothered each other.

Two of the most common FW puffers are the Dwarf and the South American (Colomesus asellus).

Have a look in the two pinned threads in this section, one of thems got a list of fw and bw puffers.
Targets are ok but unless you know what your doing and have a tank at least 150 gal you want to avoid the Fahaka.

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