dwarf puffer fish


Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
Hi all- Last weekend i went to my LFS and saw some dwarf puffer fish. I thought they were adorable. If anyone can offer some advice on what these fish eat, compatiable tankmates, etc. I would really appreciate it!

I was thinking about adding some to my 29 gallon once i transfer all the fish that in there now to my new 72 gallon.

Thanks sooo much!
Dwarf's are awesome lill guys! You could easily fit about 8 lil ones in your 29 gal tank. As far as tankmates go, I wouldn't risk anything in with them, just keep it a species only tank. I have bumble bee gobies (3) and otto's (2) in with mine and they all do fine together. Mainly because the other 2 species just sit there and don't really do anything. Make sure you have lots of hidey holes and plants to break lines of site.

As far as what they eat, they should get a steady diet of snails to keep their beeks filed down nicely. My little guys go crazy for frozen brine shrimp and the occasional frozen bloodworm treat.

Have fun with these little guys. They are a great addition to any collection.

They're actually very aggressive. I didnt believe it when I heard it, just because they're so small, but they're pretty territorial. As mentioned, best tankmates are Bumble Bee Gobies and other Dwarf Puffers. Make sure you have enough room for them to have territories. I have 3 in my 37 gallon community, and I think they're a bit too aggressive... If i had the funds I'd set up another tank for them and Bumble Bee Gobies. Mine eat only live food: brine shrimp and bloodworms. HTH
They also do well with plecos. Make sure you have lots of caves and plants to break the aquarium up into territories. Right now mine are really nice to each and usually school, but I know what the future holds for their tempers.
Everyone has pretty much covered it :)

Just wanted to add that oto's can be safely kept with dwarf puffers, and most people have had great success with this.

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