Dwarf Puffer And Snails


Fish Herder
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
Staffordshire, UK
Currently cycling my dwarf puffer tank *excited much*

I am wondering how many snails a dwarf puffer eats in a week/day. How much would he need? Got far too many pest snails in the main tank and would love to chuck the whole load in, but obviously that would be overfeeding ;) I am also planning on feeding bloodworm pellets and maybe some flake as his/her main diet. Does that sound ok?
First off, forget the flakes. They will just be left to pollute the water, untouched. I wouldn't hold your breath on the pellets, either.

Get yourself some frozen bloodworms (Thaw them out before feeding, of course!) or even better, if you can, live blackworms.

As far as the snails go... it really depends. Place a dozen or so snails in the tank and see how it goes from there. Try to pick snails that are about the size of your puffer's eye.
Thanks for your reply that helps a lot.

I got loads of frozen bloodworms / daphina / mosquito larvae etc in the freezer will try them. Might even dare to get live food if I am not too squeamish.

That's quite a lot of snails, it's good so I can get the numbers in the main tank down. Nom nom nom :hyper: Tank is not ready yet, 4th week of cycling, but am getting there.

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