Dwarf Puffer Advice


Dec 29, 2007
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Hi guys,

So after a little thinking, instead of getting another Betta, i've decided to try a Dwarf puffer in the small tank I have (20L).

I just have a few questions.

Will normal Gravel be ok?
Will an uncovered heater be ok?
What sort of environment is best, heavily planted (The tank could fit about 6 plants in it i think.
And what temps etc.

And one other thing, are they ok to eat bloodworm?

Any other advice given would be appreciated, I basically need to completely clean out the tank, was the filter etc down so it's a new system. But my LFS has informed me they can order them in specially which is great news =)
Sand would be better as some puffers like to bury themselves in it,
80% planted is usually suggested, but that is when keeping multiple puffers together,
Dwarf puffers are usually fine in most temperature, i'd go for a temp around 24C
foodwise they should be given bloodworm and snails along with other frozen prepared or live foods like shrimp, Mosquito larvae etc
Hi, thanks for the reply :)

The only thing i'm concerned about with sand is that i heard plants will die easily in it due to not being able to root?

How many dwarf puffers could I get in a 20litre? oh.. woops, it's 30 litre!
you can have 1, that's it, and over filtered :good: :good: !

amazing fish!
Hi, thanks for the reply :)

The only thing i'm concerned about with sand is that i heard plants will die easily in it due to not being able to root?

How many dwarf puffers could I get in a 20litre? oh.. woops, it's 30 litre!

Most plants will be fine in sand, although if you are concerned you could quite easily plant the plants into the current gravel substrate and then add an inch of sand on top of the existing gravel.
I would go with just one puffer, although small they can be very feisty and aggressive towards other puffers, pygmy corys, otos or larger shrimp should be ok to add though.
I would only consider otos and amano shrimp as tank mates and only then if the tank is well planted giving them the chance to hide. One DP deffo in a 20L tank and as said, tons of filtration with 50% water changes each week. There are lots of threads about DPs in this section - they're very popular at the moment :D

I find bog wood planted up with anubias and java ferns perfect for smaller tanks and also crypts. This will give the puff places to explore as you want to give the tank as much interest as possible to stop the little chap getting bored.

Good luck - you won't regret getting a DP and I bet it won't be long before you are looking for a bigger tank to fit more in to :lol:
i have a 19 ltr tank with 1 dwarf puffer 6 cherry shrimp and 2 otos...yes it sounds crowded but the tank has filtration for about 57 ltrs and is 98% planted, which is a fluval internal and an art deco HOB..water changes about 20% every 3 days

as said im sure sand would make them happy. when i bought mine about 6 months ago a few in the store were lying on the sand. i feed about 5-6 bloodworms every other day. he doesnt touch the shrimp pellets or algae wafers i feed the tank mates but will devour small snails and shrimp eggs. if you want to keep them with shrimp give the shrimp some good thick root entanglments such as java fern. my fern is rooted to a piece of lava rock that you cant even see anymore because of all the roots. the shrimp deff have a safe haven there...and also some thick java moss tied onto a rock or wood will suffice as shelter. i know amanos are a lot stronger than cherrys but i havent lost any....i even have the same 2 ghost shrimp (testers from the begining) in there lol.
Thanks for all the help guys,

I actually have amanos in my main tank, i love them! It's really fun to just watch them go about and explore.

I'm not too sure I can get java here, but I guess i could ask if the shop could order it in. I have a coconut in there that i made myself for my old betta, it's basically a coconut shell with the top cut off, serves as a nice cave.

It's actually a 30L tank, I got that part wrong. It's one of these ones with a mirrored back.

I will get some sand next week/tommorow and give it a good scrubbing before starting it all off, admititely I only have a tiny filter in there at the moment, cost me about £15 as betta's do not like a strong current. Is this going to be ok if the tank is well planted out?

So a DP with lots of sand/plants, coconut shell (there is a rock in there at the mo) and a bit of wood/java moss? And 2 or 4 amano shrimps?
i would be worried that the filter wont be strong enough. i guess i just enjoy knowing my water is clean and seeing the plants sway in the heavy current. also my dp doesnt mind and can find refuge if needed under and behind plants. my fluval filter alone is a for 10 gallon tanks...plus a 5-7gallon filter to ensure crystal clear water.

also a strong flow in there will help stuff from piling up on the sand, and if you could get your dp to live with 2 pygmy corys...i think youd achieve a good balance
... I only have a tiny filter in there at the moment, cost me about £15 as betta's do not like a strong current. Is this going to be ok if the tank is well planted out?

You want a large filter that's not too strong with a DP tank. They can handle current but won't be too happy being buffeted about all the time. The larger filter is needed (or two smaller ones) to keep the water spotless - they poo for medals and eat very meaty foods so you need a filter set up that can cope more than adequately with that :D that should be your most important factor and large weekly water changes too. I do 50% weekly water changes on all my puffer tanks :)
How about if i were to get another small filter and sit it the opposite end of the tank, would that be ok? 2 smaller ones?

pygmy corys sounds like an idea, though i also like the idea of a few shrimp!
How about if i were to get another small filter and sit it the opposite end of the tank, would that be ok? 2 smaller ones?

pygmy corys sounds like an idea, though i also like the idea of a few shrimp!
2 smaller filters should be ok :D Just don't go for ones that are too small as they'll block up fast.

Don't get pygmy cories in the tank with a DP. The only thing's I'd consider safe (if you're lucky) are otocinclus and possibly a few amano shrimp.

DPs will think nothing of taking bites out of anything they come across fish wise to see if it's tasty. Pygmy cories won't be happy with that. Otos manage to keep out of the way of DPs by hiding in the plants and on the tank sides and can shift when they need to.
Hey jenny,

thanks for the replys :) I'm sorting out the tank today, just about to head on down to the LFS (2mins down road :D) and enquire how long it would take to get a DP in for me (as they specially order them in).

Will also get sand and another filter, OH by the way... the filter i'm getting (and already have in there) is a fluval 1+ So it will be 2 of those in the tank. Just wanted to 100% confirm this will be allright.

I'll also get a heater cover i think just incase, bit off having a heater that's uncovered.

Anything else you would reccomend, would the DP like the coconut shell that i made in there? And what else? (aswell as lots of plants).

I will put 2 amano shrimp in with it once its setup, my question is also should i put the amano's in about a week before the dp?
filters are fine.

they would prefer a cave, just something extra for them to explore and do if they feel like it
and i would put the amano's in just before the puffer, if you put them in after he might treat them as food

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