Dwarf Puffer Activity


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Today, I received my Dwarf Puffers in the mail and they are in their new home. They're really cool, but are acting different than I thought they would. I thought DP's chased each other around and hid from eachother. These guys are about 1/2-3/4 (if you havn't seen my post "Juvinille Dwarf Puffers") But instead of chasing and hiding, they are staying in a little group and hanging around, but they don't look unhealthy or anything. Another concern I have is one of my Puffers has a Yellowish belly and his tail is also yellowish. LadyMinion told me that he was probably stressed, but, he isn't acting stressed at all, and the color hasn't gone away, and it's been about 10 hours. Is this color normal? My other two DP's are a metalic on their tummies. Anyone have any thoughts? :unsure:
They are probably just nervous. Remember, they have just been taken from their home at the lfs, transported in a van to your house and then placed in a strange tank. Also, not much can happen in 10 hours - you may find they are like this for several days and may not eat either.

As they become comfortable and familiar with their surroundings, they will start to exhibit the behaviour you've heard so much about. You just need to be patient.
The puffers won't start getting really territorial until they are older. When they are young they often swim together, sometimes in a single file line like follow the leader.
My puffers did the same thing. Watch them in 2 days, they will be used to the tank and boy will they have their "character". :p
It could be that the newer puffers you got are actually a similar but not exact species as the older ones. Carinotetraodon travancoricus, true dwarf puffers, generally has a more metallic belly, whereas carinotatraodon imitator seems to have a more matte yellow belly. While the taxonomy of these little guys is still pretty controversial, this seems to be an agreed-upon classification.

Check out Dwarf Puffers Home for more information, that's where I got that stuff.

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