Dwarf Platies!!!


Nov 10, 2003
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Colorado USA
Lately at the petsmart near my house theve been gettin new fish that i have never seen. Today I went there to get some cricket for my lzards and to my amazement there were Dwarf plattys, so of course i had to by a pair. have any body else ever seen these?
There are about 30 species of genetically modified hobby fish recently released onto the market in America, including dwarf versions of some species and even glow in the dark tetras! (implanted with the genes of a phosphorescent jellyfish).

I've never actully heard of anywhere selling them, but could these be the first?
im not sure about there max size but right now there a little uner an inch and i know there not babies because they look completly mature
Just wanted to say that today at Petsmart I saw some dwarf platies also. I don't approve of genetically modified animals, but I do have to say these will be nice for people who want more fish in less space. They're pretty darned adorable too. :wub:

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