Dwarf Neon Rainbows


New Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Oxfordshire, UK
I've a 180 litre cycled medium planted tank with a plec and small angel in it at the moment. Is a group of 9 or 12 dwarf rainbows compatible with these? I'm thinking that they should be okay (won't add them all at once).
I'd say they'd get along fine. The Angel might have the odd strop but on the whole it would be good. They do get slightly larger than a lot of people realize but I reckon you could fit a shoal of 12 in that size of tank.

The plec could potentially outgrow your tank depending on species.
Neons are the natural food of Angels in the Amazon, where they both come from. Sometimes you can go many years without the angels eating the neons if the neons were the larger type and were big before baby angels were introduced, but you have smaller neons and are introducing them -after- the angel (although the angel is small, so it may be some years before his/her mouth is big enough.)

Neons are the natural food of Angels in the Amazon, where they both come from. Sometimes you can go many years without the angels eating the neons if the neons were the larger type and were big before baby angels were introduced, but you have smaller neons and are introducing them -after- the angel (although the angel is small, so it may be some years before his/her mouth is big enough.)


He's asking about Dwarf Rainbows (M Praecox):S

Not many of them in the Amazon! :lol:
I'd say they'd get along fine. The Angel might have the odd strop but on the whole it would be good. They do get slightly larger than a lot of people realize but I reckon you could fit a shoal of 12 in that size of tank.

The plec could potentially outgrow your tank depending on species.

It's a BN plec so will be okay. Thanks for your advice, will crack on and get three and see how they go. If I get twelve in total I'll prob get 4 males and 8 females. That sound okay?
I'd say they'd get along fine. The Angel might have the odd strop but on the whole it would be good. They do get slightly larger than a lot of people realize but I reckon you could fit a shoal of 12 in that size of tank.

The plec could potentially outgrow your tank depending on species.

It's a BN plec so will be okay. Thanks for your advice, will crack on and get three and see how they go. If I get twelve in total I'll prob get 4 males and 8 females. That sound okay?

Yep, that sounds fine and will look really good.
i brought 4 female blue rainbows and 1 male rainbow i know your talking about a different
kind but i had to take my male back and get another female as he just kept hounding them
and nipping and what looked like bashing them....

he was a bully my hubby told them when he took the male back.

i lost 4 due to ammonia spike but the lady that survived is growing a treat....
i would get 2 males and 10 females myself just to be safe...
just thought id tell you that..

hugs jenbo
Sorry for the slow reply, I've been at the zoo all weekend! Rainbows and angels do fine together. I have kept them together in the past, and the fast rainbows can easily get out of the way of a boisterous angelfish. Remember, with rainbows having more females than males is the way to go. Too many males and too few females can lead to the males pestering the females to death (literally!) Also, rainbows need really clean water making 50% weekly water changes the norm.

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