Dwarf Neon Rainbows.


New Member
Jan 26, 2010
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I bought 4 dwarf neon rainbows last year, 3 died leaving me 1 healthy male. When i went back to the shop a lot from the same batch looked unhealthy. I found another shop stocking them some time later and bought 1 male and 2 femal to make up a little comunnity shoal. Those 3 died and the 1 mature male i had chased them a lot. I would like to introduce some more again from a fresh healthy batch. does anyone have any recommendation on stratergy? introduce only male or female? or a mix, or multipuls or 1 at a time? The tank is 12 inch x 30 inch x 18 inch, it has 5 scissor tails, 2 king tetra's and 5 corydoras. The 1 mature male dwarf Neon Rainbow thinks he is the boss...
I bought 4 dwarf neon rainbows last year, 3 died leaving me 1 healthy male. When i went back to the shop a lot from the same batch looked unhealthy. I found another shop stocking them some time later and bought 1 male and 2 femal to make up a little comunnity shoal. Those 3 died and the 1 mature male i had chased them a lot. I would like to introduce some more again from a fresh healthy batch. does anyone have any recommendation on stratergy? introduce only male or female? or a mix, or multipuls or 1 at a time? The tank is 12 inch x 30 inch x 18 inch, it has 5 scissor tails, 2 king tetra's and 5 corydoras. The 1 mature male dwarf Neon Rainbow thinks he is the boss...
there should be one dominant male anyways but these fish are happyer in groups of 6+
im not so good at working out stocking levels but that seems abit over stocked to me
as for them dieing what are your tank stats ? i had 2 of these to cycle my tank then i added another 4 and the males flare there fins up against each other but this is good aparntly i have 3f 3m with no problems
weekly change %:
I am a newbie myself with the praecox rainbows. But I somehow think that your lone male praecox could not
have stressed the 3 new rainbows to the point of dying. the 3 new ones were probably sick already.

I suppose you can try adding few more again now, possibly 3 females. and see how your existing male rainbow
reacts. One thing to note is your existing male rainbow is probably fully grown one and not a juvenile.
Its better to add similar aged/sized new rainbows to your tank.
I am a newbie myself with the praecox rainbows. But I somehow think that your lone male praecox could not
have stressed the 3 new rainbows to the point of dying. the 3 new ones were probably sick already.

That's not true. Rainbows can be pestered to death by another dominant male like in this situation. While it is possible that they were already sick, they were being relentlessly pursued by the tank boss. In order to fix this, you would have to remove the big guy for a few days and introduce your new bows while he is away. You are going to need a group of 6 or more though. This spreads the aggression around. After a few days, bring him back and watch them to see. If that doesn't work, re-arrange the tank. This makes new territories and forces them to make a new hierarchy.

Praecox rainbows are sensitive fish. They need a very good diet and very clean healthy water.
i'd do what drobbyb is talking about but when you get your new rainbows get only 4, 1 male and 3 females

1. becasue that way you have more femaes and less stress on them

2. more color

3. your tank is too small for 6+
i'd do what drobbyb is talking about but when you get your new rainbows get only 4, 1 male and 3 females

1. becasue that way you have more femaes and less stress on them

2. more color

3. your tank is too small for 6+

males have more colour :good:

i have 6 in similar tank but they are the only fish until about 2 when there will be a plec :rolleyes:
As I wrote, I am a newbie myself. drobby knows better, pls follow his advice.
I learned something, sure. the praecox I have are probably juveniles and they
do not show any aggression even the dominant male. I have 2 males and 5 females.
As I wrote, I am a newbie myself. drobby knows better, pls follow his advice.
I learned something, sure. the praecox I have are probably juveniles and they
do not show any aggression even the dominant male. I have 2 males and 5 females.

I wasn't trying to pick apart your post satish, I just wanted to clear that up. It's ok to be a newbie, we all had to start somewhere!
i know males have more color, i meant the fact there is compitition will cause the males to have more color than just 1 with no competition.
No, but you will get to see the male squabbling display.
this was good to see in mine the both flaired there fins the spiralled up towards the surface only 2 males do this one is a bit of a wimp, nothing aggressive though
ok, i assumed that sice there are both females and copitition that they would push their colors to the maximum to get ahead of the other male.

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