Dwarf Musk Turtles What Do They Need


Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears.Beets.Battlestar
Oct 7, 2008
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hi ive seen some dwarf musk turtles for sale in my local maiden head it said that they get to 12 cm what are there tank and food requirments thanks
would a 3 ft x 12 inch w x 18 inches high do for 2 also what do you feed them
cool i know its cheeky but could i have some pictures of your turtles with like a size comparison eg a coke can and how old they are

also could you keep one in a smaler tank or
would a 3 ft x 12 inch w x 18 inches high do for 2 also what do you feed them

Yes you could keep a pair in that tank, although like all turtles they are a lot more messier than fish and so require ample filtration, They also require a UVB bulb at around 5%

food wise they will take a range of foods such as frozen prepared foods, prawns, and veg supplemented with Reptomin or a similar vitamin D based turtle food.

Musk Turtles are very good climbers and i would recommend adding various gnarly branched pieces of bogwood (redmoor or sumatra driftwood) which they can climb and explore
thanks i was doing research for my brothe but he doesnt want wan anymore

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