Dwarf Loaches


Fish Crazy
Jan 9, 2011
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Hi guys. I have recently got my hands on a 40litre tank, filter and heater.
I would love some loaches for it. Could i have a group of small loaches and what kind (was thinking zebras?).
Thankyou very much
Oh wow nice fish (rosey) kool link and thanks for the quick reply.
Shame they only grow to 1" was hoping for somthing a little bigger (2 maybe 3"). Obviously in smaller amounts
Kuhli Loaches - great fun and always active.. get 6 and you'll get tired of seeing them TOO much :D
A 40l (~45cm long) tank is going to really limit your options for any fish species, yet alone loaches, for their long term needs. The Zebra Loaches, for example, would need something like a 120cm long tank long term, as they should reach ~10cm and are quite active fish.

Besides the Rosy Loaches I mentioned earlier (that come from the same area of Celestial Pearl Danios, a small group of each making a great Myanmar biotope in your tank), I'm struggling for ideas besides some of the smaller "Hillstream Loach," but then most of these fish need a mature tank with algae growth and associated organisms. The carnivores species like Aborichthys ("Squirrel Loaches") genus might work, but they are not easy to get hold of.
Shoulda said before, tank dimensions are 52x30x30 cm.
This is minus the substrate and taken off 2 cm from depth to allow for filter/heater/plant.
Dont supose that small size difference help though

also the MATURE filter is being kept good with 5 guppies from he main tank :-D
Oooo i like them.... Anything else similar? Although a group of them would look really nice. Any info on size/care/conditions/habitat?

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