Dwarf Gouramis


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2011
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i was planning in getting a few dwarf gouramis but am not sure now after i heard theres a disease that usuall occurs so was wondering if theres any alternatives?
I have a ten gallon with just 2 honey dwarf gouramis!
and i have never had a problem with them!
i dont know about the other types of dwarf gouramis but the dwarf honeys are brilliant and i have never had a problem with them :D
ye was thinking them but dont think theres a shop near me with them :( also seen sparkling gouramis
pets at home sell honey gouramis :)
and sparkling gouramis would be good! :D you would be able to get a couple more in the tank :D
ah thats ok ive a pets at home not far from me lol

wonderd if i cld mix a red honey and a few sparklings
hmmm ive never mixed them so i dont know personally :/
but i guess they should be fine!
have you thought about any other fish to put in there instead of what ever you like the least?
and have you thought about a bristlenose pleco? or something to help clean the tank ?
I don't think gourami species should be mixed together but i had a pearl given to me and added him in with my pair of dwarf blues and didn't seem to have a problem other than the odd tentacle pointing which was nothing other than funny. Honey gourami's are very nice, i have always admired them when in LFS's
well ive got 6 harlequins and 6 bronze cory catfish and its a 88 litre tank

i did get told i could have 3 honey 1s 1 male and 2 female
There's no such thing as a Honey Dwarf. There's Dwarf Gouramis and there's Honey Gouramis, they're different species. Dwarfs are the ones that have all the problems. Having said that, I've had several Honeys and never had any luck with them. But plenty of people have so if you're worried about Dward Gourami Disease then go with Honeys. You could prob have a couple more if you were to do that.

I now have Sparklers which personally for me seem a lot hardier. You can't really mix one Gourami species with another though no.
sorry i always thought they were classed as dwarf because they was small :/
sorry for the mistake!
Lol don't apologise, I just thought you might like to know. LFS label fish as all sorts. I saw some dwarfs the other day labelled as "Cobolt Blue Gourami".
so if i was to get sparklers how many could i get?

or instead if i got honeys how many could i get?
I'm not sure what size your Bronze Corys grow to? I have 6 Sparklers with all the other fish in my tank and though it it slightly overstocked it's not by a lot and you have another 28 litres on me! I reckon you'd prob be safe with 8? Though personally I'd go for Honeys. Maybe 4 or 5? Get more females than males if you can.

Though this all depends on how big the Corys grow?
corys in general grow to about 4 inches, but they dont always get to this size :) so it depends on how many of each you want!
id say the corys are about 4inch at max just now

was thinkin of 2 male honeys and 2 female honeys so would that be fine?

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