Dwarf Gouramis


Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
California, USA
Hello all:

Do Dwarf Gouramis do ok single or better in pairs (or more)? I have one now and he is very happy. My tank is 29 gallons and ready to add fish slowly (It's cycled now). I do have two Gold Gouramis in the tank with him. They get along well so far (They are not normal gold's...the small version which stay 1.5-2 inches long).
Gouramis are fine solo. If you want more add two females to one male, and no more than one male per tank, unless it is a moderate - large tank. Sounds like you have honey gouramis or possible dwarf gouramis. But I would lean towards honey gouramis.
I think you have honey gouramis. I have them too :p They are ok in pairs but i don't know about the dwarfs. They might beat up on the honeys :dunno:
Do your "small gold gouramis" look like honey gouramis without the black? Thats what mine are like. I've never heard of a small gold gourami :dunno:
your gold gourami is a different color srain of the blue gourami , in essence the same fish . I have kept them in the past , and they reached 4 " in lenth . maybe even a little more .
Hi Melfice :)

Whichever gouramis you have, if they get along well and are peaceful, perhaps it would be best if you don't add more. There are so many nice fish that will live in harmony that unless you really want to risk them getting territorial about the space at the top of your tank, leave well enough alone.
dwarfs said:
Do your "small gold gouramis" look like honey gouramis without the black? Thats what mine are like. I've never heard of a small gold gourami :dunno:
Yeah they do. My LFS calls them Gold...maybe they are honey. I will take a picture very soon :)

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