Fish Fanatic
Hello all:
Do Dwarf Gouramis do ok single or better in pairs (or more)? I have one now and he is very happy. My tank is 29 gallons and ready to add fish slowly (It's cycled now). I do have two Gold Gouramis in the tank with him. They get along well so far (They are not normal gold's...the small version which stay 1.5-2 inches long).
Do Dwarf Gouramis do ok single or better in pairs (or more)? I have one now and he is very happy. My tank is 29 gallons and ready to add fish slowly (It's cycled now). I do have two Gold Gouramis in the tank with him. They get along well so far (They are not normal gold's...the small version which stay 1.5-2 inches long).