Dwarf Gourami


New Member
Jan 25, 2005
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Ok i have a blue dwarf gourami. For the past 2 weeks it hasnt been in good shape. For the first bit it used to hang out in the back of my 29 Gal and i started noticing bloating i guess? it was a lump along the bottom part of the fish and on both sides. The lump was just under an inch long and prolly a quarter of an inch high. Then it stayed in the front corner at a 45 degree angle with its face upward for a few days. Then it went to the back corner for a couple of days doing the same thing but now it was at 75 degree angle facing up still. Now and then it would be completly still not moveing at all kinda like it was dead then when i took a closer look it would start moving and kinda swiming a bit. A few days later i saw it laying on the gravel at the bottom kinda on its side. I thought it was dead untill i put my net under it then it started moving again. For the past 3 days i have left it in the fish net but in the tank. I have the fish net between the lid and the tank so there is some water in the net for the fish to stay stright but it cant get outta the net. By this point the bloating is not visible anymore. Hope thats kinda clear. I let it outta the net today and it went to a 90 degree angel and started sinking down a bit. It went to the back of the tank and sat on the heater suctioncup still with its face pointing stright up. Then it started to sink. I have put it back in the net so it doesnt sink to the bottom like before. It seems to fall asleep in the net. I dont know what other details i can give you. My water tests show perfect water conditions. Non of my other fish are having problems and my other 2 dwarf gouramies are doing well also. I should be doing my regular water change but i dont wanna stress my sick fish out. :dunno: Now Does anyone know whats wrong with my fish? its been this bad for about a week but its been acting strage prolly over 2 weeks. Its hardly eating. I fed it in the net it kinda went for the flake but missed and then stoped trying. Its like it has no energy. Also should i still do a water change? I do it once a week but i dont wanna stress this fish out. Thanks in advance.

:dunno: Sick Gourami :dunno:
Sounds like swim bladder disease. You could try some anti-internal bacteria meds but i'm sorry to say i've never saved a fish with this illness.

Hopefully someone else will come along with some more positive experiences.

On the plus side, i've never had this spread to other fish, just isolated cases so I don't think you need to worry about your other fish too much. However if you have a hospital tank, I would put him in it and dose with the anti-internal bacteria meds.

Hope this helps

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