Dwarf Gourami With What Looks Like A Chunk Missing!


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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This is actually my girlfriends mothers fish.

Ill start from the beginning, She is a beginner fish keeper, about 3 months ago she had a gourami which had a round red mark on it, it looked like a missing chunk. It ended up dying (it lasted quite a while tho, weeks!).

Well she wasnt doing regular water changes (i dont think she did any). I insisted she do regular changes which she says she does now.

Anyway, she has a new gourami, which has got that same chunk missing!!

What is it, and how do u cure it?


Ps. 28L tank, has a bunch on neons, couple mollies, and the sick gourami.
Sounds like it could be an ulcer which gouramis are very prone to, and they need excellent water conditions, is the red indented with any circling of white around it.
If you can issolate the fish you will need an antibiotic, good luck.
could anyone actually explain to me what wilder was trying to say ? im kinda new to this and what sort of antibiotic is there ?

also, what is the actually disease/sickness, my female guppy has it at the moment
Best to make thread of your own than dig an old post out.
Ulcer are pink or red with a circling of dead white tissue around the edges.
Depends on which country you live in for antibiotics. As in the uk they have to be perscribed by a vet.

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