Dwarf Gourami - My First Dead Fish :(


New Member
Feb 4, 2009
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Hi guys, after only owning them for 24 hours, one of my dwarf gouramis has passed on. :( After reading the posts on this forum about these guys (wish I had before) i see that these are very hard to keep as they appear to peg it very easily. she had no markings, lumps, white patches or scales missing, just a slightly swollen tum. She just seemed to float and then die. The other (male) is fine.

Did an ammonia, PH, N02 and NO3 test before I put them in, all fine - white spot treatment I did (half dose because of the clown loaches). when she started to show signs of illness I added salts and tested the water after she died. Nothing. No temp fluxs either.

The pair were very fretful in the bag, I noticed the male nipping at her while they were in there so perhaps I introduced them too soon? Even when she was dieing he kept nipping at her.

So do I get him another tankmate and risk him being agressive and nipping her too, or do I leave him on his own? (he seems fine with the other guys - the one siamese fighting fish, 3 clown loaches, 1 leopard pleco, ten zebra danios). Everyone else also seems fine.

This blows. I didnt even get a chance to name her. Now Im just worried about my other guys :(
Hi - sorry to hear about your loss. I had a very similar experience recently.

I got two dwarf gouramis with a siamese fighter and put them with 5 neons. The male Gourami and Betta picked on the female gourami from the off, so we took her back to the lfs the next day. She was clearly very stressed and suffering. For a few days the remaining male Gourami and Betta were fine - avoiding each other nicely but then the tables turned and the Betta started to pick on the Gourami who became ill and he actually died yesterday :( I did seperate the two and tried to treat the Gourami, sadly to no avail. The damage had been done. As soon as I'd seen the betta going for him, I should have seperated them.

The Tetras have been fine not bothering the Betta or being bothered by the betta - same with the Gourami.

So from my very recent experience, I would keep a very close eye on the betta and the Gourami to check they are behaving, if not then take the Gourami back to the LFS sooner rather than later or chances are you will lose him. Also do check the betta is not being bothered by the Danios as I think they can nip long fins.

hth :)
betta and gourami is not a good combination of fish, they see each other as a bit of a threat.

if the females was being nipped at and picked on by the male while in the bag I'd suggest she was ill at that point. fish always pick on the weaker fish around them, even shy peaceful fish can bully a weak tankmate.
my baby syno chases an adult four times his size awaylol
one of my dwarf gs died today very anoyed biggest fish ive kept that has died
was not amused i had kept him for about 6 months
sorry fo your loss mate
Thanks guys. I was very much looking forward to having her as an active part of my new family. Am keeping a watchful eye on the male and betta and shall take him back to the shop if he misbehaves. They said they would take him in.

Betta and him seem to swim together ok at the mo, but not taking chances.

I shall get some lady friends for my betta, so he can be a Pimp Daddy.
Whatever you do, please do not get female Bettas to go with your male.
A male should never be housed with a female unless you are breeding and even then, it's only for a short period.
How big is your tank?
Whatever you do, please do not get female Bettas to go with your male.
A male should never be housed with a female unless you are breeding and even then, it's only for a short period.
How big is your tank?

Tank is 125 lt. Everyone has lots of room to hide and I have provided many hidy holes for the purpose. Update, the dwarf and Betta seem to be getting on fine so far, but I watch them just in case. Apart from that, everyone else seems content. Here's hoping!

Whatever you do, please do not get female Bettas to go with your male.
A male should never be housed with a female unless you are breeding and even then, it's only for a short period.
How big is your tank?

Tank is 125 lt. Everyone has lots of room to hide and I have provided many hidy holes for the purpose. Update, the dwarf and Betta seem to be getting on fine so far, but I watch them just in case. I have not put any females in for either so far. Apart from that, everyone else seems content. Here's hoping!

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