Dwarf Gourami Ill? On Side And Breathing Heavy


New Member
May 3, 2008
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Hi all

We have 3 female dwarf gourami and 1 male had them now for about 3 weeks but today we noticed one of the females has what looks like a scale or 2 missing on her side she also has a bit of a patch arround her mouth (not look like whits spot to me) its bit dark she also is breathing heavy and is half laid on her side not moving much at all!! :unsure:

Water stats are as follows
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 5
Nitrie 0.1

is she dying or infectious??

please help thank you.
Unfortunately she has died in the last hour, on taking her out of the tank she appears to be bloated on one side, any ideas on the cause of death.

I had the same happen to my Dwarf Gourami. They are prone to internal bacteria infections.
R.I.P. Bless her.
The patch was it white and fluffy on the mouth.
No it was dark and not fluffy first we thought cotton mouth but when looked propperly saw it wasnt.
had a look on net and from some reading think it was Dropsy, we took her out strait away so no others nibbled her she wont have infected water will she? Cheers
Dropsy can only pass onto another fish if it pecks at the dead body.
Thanks wilder they never got chance as we were watching her with a close eye as she looked so bad! :sad: and took her out straight away.
all ways sad when you lose a fish it is not about the cost i feel i have lost a friend you done the right thing some times there is nothing you can do

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