Dwarf Gourami Has A Sore/scales Missing On Side Of His Head


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Dwarf gourami has a sore/scales missing on side of his head, probably from bashing it on net when moved.
Other wise perfectly normal
Just wondering how long it takes for scales to grow back & what i should do to treat/prevent any infection that may take hold while injurgy is there. Possibly become more of a lump since i 1st noticed it, so i thought it might be infected.

Tank size:200L
tank temp:26

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Male Dwarf Gourami has gap in scales on head, I think caused by the net when i moved him into my new tank (set up for a month now & cycled). theres just a few scales missing, but the gap looks a little bit more like a spot/inflamed now. Its not red, Ive been looking through other posts & pictures & havent seen anything similar. Doesnt appear to be any fungus. Im thinking its either just healing up, or possiblly its got a bit infected & inflammed, so just want to make sure Im doing the rihgt thing before early on.
Otherwise he seems perfectly normal, eating fine.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Changed about 10% water before started adding meds. Havent done many changes yet as only had fish in for 2 weeks & for 1st week was just 5 tetras in a very big tank!

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: I removed the carbon from my filter & dosed with Azoo Magic Disease Treater. ive added the amount it says on pack yesterday & day before (says to add x amount /L every 24 huors for 1st 3 days)

Tank inhabitants: 5 neon tetras & 1 male & 1 female dwarf gourami

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): the gouramis have been in a week, although there were together in old tank for months

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible): will post tonight
Not heard of azoo but I would treat with melafix if its just scales missing, probably a little infected but if its not red or inflammed then melafix or just good regular water changes. :good:
OK, now Im home I think its got worse, now it looks red.
Ive taken photos, here they are.
Il keep checking the water perameters & use the AZOO magic disease treatment (http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/inde...oducts_id=2039). It says on the bottle that its for fungus, bacteria & ectoparasites.
I dont know what else to do, are there better treatments out there? What is Melafix?
Really dont want this little one to get worse, I feel really guilty because Im sure it was me & the net that did the damage in the 1st place.
Hope you can help!
Many thanks

and another photo


  • gourami_injury1.jpg
    59.7 KB · Views: 462
  • gourami_injury2.jpg
    40.9 KB · Views: 420
Did you read that link that I left.
Sores that are red and have a circling of white dead skin around the edges are ulcers.
Looks like a growth in the pic.
yes I have read your article, very interesting.
Im not sure what you are saying about sores & ulcers; which does he have & what does it mean for treatment/ survival chances?
He seems really fine otherwise, eating & swimming around as ususal.
What should I do with him??!
Can you issolate the sick fish.
I would try a bacterial med.
Melafix is only good on cuts and wounds and that it.
Uk anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
United states maracyn plus.
OK, I can sort of isolate the fish, i can put him back in my old taknk (30L) that has 2 guppys in it that I was about to move into the big tank. I suppose Il move them out 1st so hes on his own.
The meds Im using is Azoo magic disease treatment

its says it treats bacterial infections, but I wonder whether that incldes internal?
they mention "bacterial diseases such as Fin Rot, Ulcers, Infectious Dropsy and Ascites"

I will buy the interpet anti internal bacteria if it will do something different. How long after dosing with the current meds can I add the new one? Should I keep the carbon out of my filter?

Many thanks
A broad spectrum med should treat gram positive and gram negative bacteria's.
I would carry on with the med if there no improvement get back to the board.
Good luck.

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