Dwarf Gourami Bloated?


New Member
Sep 3, 2008
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Since a few days ago, my neon dwarf gourami has become lethargic. He doesn't bother going for food like he used to and was is mostly hiding behind the driftwood. About two weeks ago he was the king of the tank, swimming around happily and also making bubblenests. - raising the babies now.

Today I released that his belly was huge and round when cleaning the tank. He also seems to have a lump poking out of the huge belly.
Anyone have experience treating my very bloated gourami?

Tank conditions: pH: 6.5
ammonia, nitrite: none
nitrate: very low because of recent water changes (change once a week)
co2: diy

So my gourami's symptoms are bloated, lump it bloated belly, lethargic, not eating and mostly hiding.

Anyone think it is gourami iridovirus?
How is his breathing.
All you can do is issolate him and try a bacterial med.
If the lump is a tumour there nothing to be done.
Epson salt baths help draw the fluids out.
my gourmai did this, it became very fat and after a few months (thought it was bloated) it got dropsy and died :( he will be missed,

this is what he looked like before dropsy

hope this helps!!

yeah, he was breathing very heavily and Jodiem, thats exactly what mine one looked exept with an exra tumour sticking out of its side as well.
Sadly it died this now. The female dwarf gourami was pecking at him :(
R.I.P. Bless him.
R.I.P. Bless him.

i have 2 blue gouramis that have this bloatedness, but have lived for a year now... totally fine with no behavioural problems!

Big boned??

Or is it in the family??


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