Dwarf Gouramais And Bolivian Rams

Kiwi Clint

New Member
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
hey all
I Currently have a 40G tank with 6 harlequins, 6 kuhlis, 2 bristle nose and 2 brazillian rams (thanks for the suggestion on the rams kitty kat...awesome fish!!) Am thinking about completing the tank (and tell me if i am over stocking here!) with 2 dwarf neon blue gouramais. Could anyone tell me if A) the gouramais would be compatable with my wee community, and B) are they easy for a newbie like me to look after?

thanks in advance fo the advice!
Brazilian rams.. Bolivian rams? ;) Glad to hear that you're getting on nicely with them :)

A single dwarf gourami would fit.. how long is the tank and is it planted? Male gouramis are quite aggressive, but 1m and 2f may fit into a 3-4 ft tank which was heavily planted. Honey gouramis may be a better choice if you want more than one as they're normally more peaceful :good:
Brazilian rams.. Bolivian rams?
Glad to hear that you're getting on nicely with them

A single dwarf gourami would fit.. how long is the tank and is it planted? Male gouramis are quite aggressive, but 1m and 2f may fit into a 3-4 ft tank which was heavily planted. Honey gouramis may be a better choice if you want more than one as they're normally more peaceful

yep, had my brain switched off there kat...brazillian indeed...dont know where my mind was there!!
tank is quite heavily planted and has drift wood, caves etc its 3 ft long...and seriously i LOVE the Bolivians !!! i hear a brazillian ram is quite painful ;-)
Would be cool to see a photo of your masterpiece at some point :)

You should be fine with 1m 2f dwarfs, but honeys are more likely to work :good:
You should be fine with 1m 2f dwarfs, but honeys are more likely to work :good:

Agreed. With the Honey Gouramis, you could have a bigger group, say...1M 5F.

And also I would raise the number of Harlequins and Khulis to 10 each.
You are fine with a trio of dwarfs in that size tank taking into account that you have enough decor and hiding places. Apart from the agression there is another reason of opting for chunas, which is inbreeding of the dwarfs. I don't know where you are located but imports from Singapore (especially in the UK) show that many dwarfs get the so-called gourami disease which is uncurable and let the fish die a painful death (I have first hand experience with this). So I would only buy the dwarfs if you know the source.
Honey Gouramis are supposed to be more peaceful, but mine is a total nightmare!

He attacked the femal every time he saw her, so she just hid in the plants most of the time. Since she died, he's decided to go after my Bolivian Rams every time they get in to eye sight. I half want the bloody thing to die so it'll stop terrorising the tank!

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