More aggressive than the Tigers!?I got 10 Odessa, 10 Tiger barbs, 8 Serpae Tetras and 3 Panda cories in a 75 gallon, I should have waited on buying the Pandas. The Odessa rule the tank, they are more aggressive than the Tigers. The Serpae seem a bit overwhelmed.
Everywhere I had read about odessa said they were the peaceful of the barb species but they were pretty nasty to the corys lol The giant danio have been a perfect match for them, neither bother one another, but the odessa are like a different fish with them around. Dithers right!?
Id love to find some females to introduce but Id have to remove some males (ive got 13) and the fenales would need to be adult. I did ask for a mix in the shop but, when males are stressed they completely lose their colour and its difficult to tell them apart