Dwarf Frogs


New Member
Jun 15, 2011
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I had 2 dwarf frogs in my 75 gallon tank along with mollies, cories, and a few loaches... everyone seems to get along just fine however, just the otehr day, I found one of my frogs dead. :( Everyone else seems fine, the frogs have been in my community tank since April 2011 and they seemed to be thriving and growing big! about an inch long. Anyway, I noticed last night my pleco got on top of the frog and it looked like he was trying to grind him right into the ground!! The frog was going in the cave that the pleco I guess has taken over so I am not sure if that was a territorial thing or if for some reason, the pleco killed my first frog and is now after the second!!

Does anyone know? I did't think plecos were agressive but this one has a hate on or a taste for frog legs - one of the two! I wanted to get a few more frogs but now I am not so sure... I watched them last night and they crossed paths a few times without any problems so maybe it was a territorial thing... any comments, thoughts? Any frog owners?

Thanks guys!!

Dwarf frogs are best kept in species only tanks.

Certain species of plecs can be territorial and the frogs are not territorial in the least and can not realize they are "invading"

Also - 75 gallon tanks are deep for dwarfs who should not be kept in tanks deeper than 14 inches. Being air breathers - this is quite a lengthy swim in order to breathe every few minutes.

Can I ask what you feed them? Feeding dwarfs with fish is a challenge. Often the frogs are under nourished in such tanks.

This should be posted/moved to the amphibian section. Doesn't really fall under oddballs.
+1. Dwarf frogs really thrive when in species - only tanks.
Dwarf frogs are best kept in species only tanks.

Certain species of plecs can be territorial and the frogs are not territorial in the least and can not realize they are "invading"

Also - 75 gallon tanks are deep for dwarfs who should not be kept in tanks deeper than 14 inches. Being air breathers - this is quite a lengthy swim in order to breathe every few minutes.

Can I ask what you feed them? Feeding dwarfs with fish is a challenge. Often the frogs are under nourished in such tanks.

This should be posted/moved to the amphibian section. Doesn't really fall under oddballs.


I feed him blood worms... I hold them at the top and wiggle them (live worms) and he comes and eats them out of my fingers.

I guess it is a bit of a swim to the top, he does so very quick. I don't know why this would a concern, he is aquatic.

Everything I have read about dwarf frogs - and yes I did my homework - says they are good for community tanks with other
similarly docile fish... He seems to be happy and very acitve and big like I mentioned. He has grown a lot since I got him.

P.S. I did not notice the amphibian section. Thanks for pointing that out! :good:
Not to sound argumentative, but can I ask where you did the research? Most dwarf frog sites recommend species only tanks.

And yes, they are fully aquatic, but they breath oxygen from the surface, they do not extract it to the air. Being fully aquatic does not mean they can't swim, but they naturally inhabit shallow waters so they do not have to fight to swim up to breath. Most sites also recommend shallower tanks for such a reason.

Should a frog ever start becoming ill, a deeper tank will pose a serious problem leading to a quick death. They simply will not have the energy to keep swimming up if they are not feeling 100% healthy.

They also tend to often get picked on by fish. They can do "okay" with neons or guppies...but not other bottom dwellers who can nudge/bump them around, larger boisterous fish who make swift movements and cast big shadows can be stressful to the frog.

Some species of Plecos also like sucking on slime coats and some species are territorial. I personally do not recommend plecs with frogs.
Ive had mine in a community tank for nearly a year know they are happy healthy and fat lolin a month they will live with a betta and two bristles and a fire eel

They currently live with 2congos and a batch of platy fry (going soon) and the bn and three tetras they are all healthy and fine i do belive a species only will benefit them but they do, do ok in small comunity tanks that are a foot or less high :)
Also because they are frogs they dont have the protective slim like fish so they are sensertive to water changes and illness ( more then fish) also they are constently relising salmonella

It may be possible that ur intervining/ feeding them manully may be stressing them out unfortunetly its always the way you try to help and end up doing wrong :(

Just keep an eye out and also didnt see the plec bit lol

It cld be that like its been stated they arnt terrtorial like plecs and dnt under stand
The fact that you house them with a fire eel says alot - - These eels grow 2-3 feet in length and are known snackers on small tank inhabitants. They do OK with medium/large fish but will eat something if they can.

You eel may still be a bit younger but the frogs should not be in the tank with this eel. It only tanks one curious..."hmm....you look tasty" incident for disaster. Considering the frogs have extremely poor eyesight they will not know what is coming until too late.

They also do have a mucus layer to their skin that called slime coat gives newbies a better understanding. The mucus on their skin is their primary defense against ailments.
Please dont testy the eel is my brothers and when we bought it we didnt know its only small and i will be rehoming him my frogs are happy healthy the males sing and they are still happy

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