Dwarf Frogs


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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ok i have reasearched a plenty on african dwarf frogs but had some questions that i cant find the answer to ok will they be ok in a 2.5 tank the minibowl type with the whisper filters i know it will be big enough but will the filter be too big, do they like to sing at night because it is in my sisters room and i dont want them to be waking her up, thats bout it just need to know if they will wake her up or if they will get sucked up in the filter thnks everybody
i know they dont sing......what are the dimentions of that tank?
and you do know they need a heater right...?
well the filter is the smalles whisper filter i think it is called a 10i but not sure but if you are familiar with this would the intake part be to big and suck in a small dwarf frog that you would by at a lfs
Hi atmmachine :)

They do sing, but I think it might only be the males that do that. It's rather nice and not loud enough to wake anyone up.

Will there be fish in the tank too? If not, it's probably fine without a filter as long as you do regular water changes and bottom cleanings. Whatever you do, just be sure that it is well covered so that they can't jump out.

i would like to put 2 and a betta or just 2 or 1 and a betta in the tank at the link i provided but i have a heater and a filter but are you familiar with the smalles whisper filter out there 10i i think because i wouldnt want him getting sucked up in the filter or would a couple work in my 30 gallon tank with those fish
They get along with everyone. But you gotta remember, they've very poor eyesight, no teeth, are bottom dwellers, and take forever to hunt. If you keep them in a community tank, you must target feed or hand feed them and watch them eat, and make sure no one steals their food. Otherwise they starve to death.

I wouldn't recommend keeping them with so many fish. One betta? Sure, he'll still try and steal from the frogs, but it's easy enough to distract 'em (a mirror at feeding time, for instance), but a whole bunch of fish in a deep tank?

I'll call it "very challenging" and leave it at that. :)
well since i have a lot of water movement but not current a lot of the food falls down and the corys eat it but more at night and nobody else really eats it so there is about a half hour before the light goes out when not many fish are eating food off the bottom do you think that would be enough time for some frogs to find food?

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