I've bought a dwarf flag. It was a few months ago. I was looking at sites on the web to learn everything about all my fish. I lookes at heaps of sites about dwarf flags and they don't look anything like my fish.
It's yellow with creamish coloured thick strips going vertically. It's got this colour tail and fins also. by it's pectoral fins, it's got these "feeler" things (like on bugs) that it moves around. It's currently about 5 or 6 cm long. not quite an Inch high. flattish, about 1/2 cm I suppose.
I know this isn't a very good description, but if it sounds familiar could you let me know. I'm starting to think the lfs was wrong. OR if you've got a photo of an actual dwarf flag it'd be really great. Thanks, sushi.
It's yellow with creamish coloured thick strips going vertically. It's got this colour tail and fins also. by it's pectoral fins, it's got these "feeler" things (like on bugs) that it moves around. It's currently about 5 or 6 cm long. not quite an Inch high. flattish, about 1/2 cm I suppose.
I know this isn't a very good description, but if it sounds familiar could you let me know. I'm starting to think the lfs was wrong. OR if you've got a photo of an actual dwarf flag it'd be really great. Thanks, sushi.