Dwarf Dragon Goby


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Southampton, uk
they had it at Creature Comforts, among the tropical freshwaters, looked a bit like a female desert goby, sort of brownish and insignificant, and definitely goby-shaped, not eelshaped like a dragon goby
Almost certainly Rhinogobius wui and probably a female at that, not actually a tropical fish but one that preffers temperate water with a maxium temperature of arond 20c.
Almost certainly Rhinogobius wui and probably a female at that, not actually a tropical fish but one that preffers temperate water with a maxium temperature of around 20c.
I concur
This is one of our six rhinogobius wui, a two-foot personality in a two-inch fish.

Sold to us as a dwarf dragon goby.
Thanks to both of you- yes, of course it is! It never occurred to me to think about it being a temperate species- plus most of the pictures you see of rhinogobius are of males in wedding dress. I've always wanted these, but I really do NOT have the space to set up a coldwater tank (sits firmly on hands!).
Go on dwarfgourami, you know you want to :shifty: You can have a male and two females in a 5g.... That doesn't take up much room, does it? And you don't need to buy them a heater, and they can have just a sponge filter... And they're fairly uncommon, and they're really pretty.... You might even have them breed.

Just saying, not trying to temp you or anything.... I nearly got some, but the shop is a long way away and the driver won't be too impressed.
Weird thing today. My female has been laying eggs on the glass, and the male does nothing more than scare her away from his burrow. He has no interest in her at all. I wonder if I have a gay goby?
You might even have them breed.
You might actually have a false male (you'll find out if the eggs don't hatch!)
Wui gobies live in a harem society with one male vigorously defending his territory and his group of several females with his bright colours and strong markings. - just like chickens!
If a group of females find themselves without a male then one of them will take over the male's duties of protecting the group and territory and will even take on the colours of a male.

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