Dwarf Corydoras...


Retired moderator :)
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL

I've been hearing from the betta board that cory cats would be a good addition to my 15-gallon, which is partitioned in half to accomidate two half-moon bettas. I'm concerned about over stocking, so right now I'll list what I have:

2 half-moon bettas, young, about 1.25 inches long without fins.
3 harlequin rasboras, about an inch a piece.
3 Bridget rasboras (but these fish are uber tiny, like 2/3 inch long and slimmer than neons, so I don't know how much waste they really put forth). In my estimates, I count them together as the equivalent of 1 small platy or something similar. They're that small. Cute, though, they've been in there since the beginning, so they're 2 years old now, and probably nearing the end of their time in my tank. :byebye:

So, I've got between 6-8 fish depending on how you look at it. So I think some small corydoras, introduced slowly and given a place to hide, would be alright? Please correct if I'm way out of base. After that, I'll consider the tank stocked.

I have been blessed with mellow bettas who are more concerned with each other than other tankmates, :)

Any recommendations regarding smaller species of corydoras? I just put in the harlequin rasboras, so I won't be adding fish for a few weeks or a even a month, so I've plenty of time to build up my Java fern collection, while I wait, maybe I'll get an extra cave or two, since I'm pretty sure the bettas won't share theirs. They're not that mellow. :D

Thanks in advance. :D
emma12321 said:
hastatus, habrosus and pygmy are the dwarf varieties. Take a look at this site for more information http://www.nettaigyo.com/corydoras/encyc/index-e.html i would recommend habrosus as they get slightly bigger than the other two and so should be less likely to get eaten by a betta.

Hope this helps


Thanks for the website Emma! It was useful. I like all three species, but you're right, the habrosus may be better able to resist a munching betta, though my tiny brigdet rasboras are never bothered. Sometimes, I think my bettas come out of the tank and sneak into my liquor cabinet at night when I'm not looking. They are so mellow. :S

I can call my LFS and ask if they have any of the above species, they are great about calling when they get something in.

Have a great day,


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