Dwarf Corrys Breeding!

Graeme Edwards

Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
Hi all,

As the title sugests my corrys are breeding today :D lovely to see and shows im doing something right.

The female has been dotting her eggs around the tank on random plants and on the glass.
Id like to remove the eggs ( or some at least ) and float them in a tub at the surface.
Will this work?
What els will I need to think about to rear these little fishes?
How will i feed such small fry?

Congrats on the eggs :D

You can try using a credit card to scrape the eggs gently of the surface but be really careful as they are very fragile. I tried a couple of times and ruined about 50% of them :/

You'll want some bubbles blowing over them to keep bacteria/fungus at bay so just use a small airstone. When the eggs hatch the fry will use the yolk sac for the first day. After that feed them liquifry for the first 3days- week until they are big enough to take freshly hatched BBS.

I used frozen BBS with great success but it's up to you i think live is actually healthier and will give them a better start. Will you move them into there own tank to grow?

Goodluck and keep us posted :thumbs:
I fished the eggs out last night, only found about 8 and they are now floating in tupaware tub on the suface with lots of hornwort ,moss and riccia. I may move them into something more suetable.
Forgive my none short hand ignorance but what is BBS ( just thought baby brine shrimp yes???)
I have a pack of frozen in the frezzer so it will be that, that il use if they hatch!

Yeah, i meant Baby brine shrimp :good:

I don't think they will be able to take it for a days maybe even a week or so considering they are dwarfs. They'll diffently need something smaller or liqufry or a really small live food (I forgot the name sorry) for the first few days after they've absorbed their yolk sac.

It's been a while now since i reared up my bronze corys but if i remeber correctly they hatched after about 3-4 days so it should be any time soon.

Goodluck and keep us updated :thumbs:

Ps - Do a search on this part of the forum on 'breeding' and get as much info as you can :)
Hi again!

Well my corys have hatched ,13 in total and are around 2 days old!

I have started adding liquifry No1 as of this morning. I dont know what to offer them after this, proberbly the BBS frozen stuff.
I know ZM foods do a good range of fry food but i think its to late in the day for ordering any.
Just waiting to see how it goes.

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