Dwarf Cockatoo Chiclids


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
I just bought 3 of these, 1 male 2 female, i think they are just the common variety, yellow male that goes orange when breeding? and silver females that go yellow when breeding? thats what Malcom ( guy at the aquarium) said n he knows his stuff. they are very beautiful fish, even tho the females are, tho they are pretty plain at the moment. both females have their hiding spots, the amle visits both every now and then, either that or the girls are following him around. My bf (Bozza) and i have gotten to know Malcom and Ray ( aquarium guys) really well, first name basis, so much so we get discounts every time we go in. the smaller female has i tiny bent in her tale, so small i didnt even notice, Malcom pointed it out n gave her to me for half price! They are in with a placid angel, a few tetras, danio, sword tail, 2 kuhlis and a pleco. Just thought i would share my new additions, i didnt know what else i wanted for this tank for so long but as soon as i found these guys i was in love :wub: one question i do have, how long do these guys usually live for?
unfortunantly i dont have a camera, but my bf does hhmmmm, will get him to take some pics when he comes home. these fish are so full of personatlity wich makes them that much more beautifull. thanks Kribensis.
Im thinking that you mean malcom and ray from wetpetz at hawkins?
If so, i love that place. The people that work there really know there stuff. I plan on getting a pair of bolivian rams from there in the near future. I also get good discounts, basically because i kinda work there, only when they get heaps busy.

Good luck with your new fish. Cant wait to see pics. :D
No not really. I did a couple of days work experience first and then a couple of days paid work, but without getting into to much detail, they are most likely going to call me just on the odd occasion, like maybe when someone gets sick, or if they get a big shipment of stock in that needs to be put away.

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